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Come Learn, Be Loved, and Play at SAND!
SAND - The School At North Decatur UMC / 1523 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030 / / 404-373-3367 ext103
Quick Facts About SAND
School hours are 9am - 12 Noon / Monday through Friday.
SANDbox program runs T,W,Th from 12 Noon - 1pm. Additional sign-up and fee required. Open to children 2yrs & up.
Children need to be 1 year old by September 1st of the school year to attend SAND.
Children under 2 years may only attend 2 days per week.
School year runs from August - May.
Start and end dates vary.
SAND does NOT participate in the Georgia Pre-K Lottery Program.
SAND is certified as a School of Excellence by the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church.
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