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"Children need the freedom to appreciate the infinite resources of their hands, eyes, and ears." Loris Malaguzzi
With an outdoor classroom, community garden, family lending library, chapel time, community fieldtrips, music and movement class we take learning to a whole new level.
Pre-K Program

SAND's Pre-K program is for children turning 4 years old by September 1.  Through in-depth exploration and personal inquiry our pre-k program focuses on our sense of community.  Who we are in our own family, our school community, and the world around us are themes explored throughout the year.  Our pre-k experience is enhanced through field trips, in-school visits from a wide range of community visitors, and ongoing classroom projects focusing on the world around us.  We believe that children learn through exploration and personal inquiry. 

Classes run from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. with the option of adding the 12-1:00 p.m. SANDbox hour. 







SAND's preschool program is for toddlers at least one year old by September 1 through 3 years old by August 31.  Our commitment to both the Reggio Emilia approach and Safe Sanctuary is evident in all of our classes.  We believe that children search out knowledge through their own investigations.  Playing, building, and creating are the cornerstones of our classes.  By modeling positive verbal and body language, our teachers instill the life-long skills of listening, caring, and cooperation in each child at every age. 

We honor the spirit and inquisitive nature of our children through hands-on discovery and in depth explorations of the world around us.  We believe that children learn about the world in direct relation to themselves.  Our classes always have 2 teachers!

Classes run from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. with the option of adding the 12-1:00 p.m. SANDbox hour.



1 year old class 5:1 ratio

2 year old class 6:1 ratio

3 year old class 7:1 ratio


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SAND - The School At North Decatur UMC  /  1523 Church Street  Decatur, GA  30030  /  /  404-373-3367  ext103

© 2015 School at North Decatur

SAND - The School At North Decatur United Methodist Church, is exempt from the state of Georgia's Bright from the Start program.

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